We enhance international cooperation by organising mobility
It is not always necessary to develop new solutions. Often, solutions available and implemented in other institutions will work perfectly in your environment. We help you reach partners and know-how that successfully operate in other countries. We establish cooperation, share knowledge, organise study visits and form consortia. Mobility, which we organise thanks to cooperation networks in many countries, including Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy and Cyprus, is the most popular. Trips to schools, employers or training companies allow you to broaden your horizons and gain invaluable experience.
We develop creative educational programmes for kindergartens, schools, universities and training institutions
Agile work methodology, incorporation of modern technologies or emphasis on the development of competencies and qualifications required in the constantly changing labour market are challenges faced by educational institutions at various levels. Our staff participate in the development of modern solutions implemented at the level of school, vocational and higher education.
Opracowujemy kreatywne programy edukacyjne dla przedszkoli, szkół, uczelni oraz firm szkoleniowych
Zwinna metodyka pracy, uwzględnienie nowoczesnych technologii czy nacisk na rozwój kompetencji i kwalifikacji wymaganych na wciąż zmieniającym się rynku pracy to wyzwania przed którymi stają instytucje uczące na różnych szczeblach. Nasza kadra uczestniczy w wypracowywaniu nowoczesnych rozwiązań wdrażanych na poziomie edukacji szkolnej, zawodowej i szkolnictwa wyższego.
We support you in the implementation of social projects
Obtaining funding is only the first step to success. Project implementation and reporting are often activities that discourage people from taking up this challenge. Our experience in implementing more than 50 social and educational projects co-financed by EU and national funds will help you achieve your goals without worrying about the administrative part.
We assist you in obtaining funding for implementation of your ideas
Many instruments and programmes are now available to finance various educational initiatives. Also possible to implement in your organisation. The key is to have an interesting idea, design it and prepare a good application in the appropriate funding programme. We know them and will be happy to help you get them.
+48 733 383 933
NIP 7123428851
REGON: 52082908400000
KRS 0000943930
ul. Poligonowa 10/30
20-817 Lublin